Mount Tamalpais offers fantastic views in all directions once you finally reach the top. It felt like we drove for quite a while working our way to the top. Once there we got out of the car to make the final hike out to where there is actually a fire lookout station. From the lookout you can see around in all directions. The picture shown on this page shows the view of San Francisco in the distance to the south. It is enjoyable to get this perspective after being down and in the city for a couple of days. One other thing I remember is meeting a guy who rode his bike to the top – up and up on the winding roads. I was impressed and asked him about the ride. He explained he is an international airline pilot and flew in from Europe the day before. He routinely brings his bike and rides all the way up here from down in the city! I could not believe it – very impressive – you would likely agree if you have ever made the drive to the top. Enjoy the views from the comfort of wherever you are reading this.